12/24/2022 2 Comments What's Next !?!![]() Sometimes thoughts bubble up, don't they? Silly, thoughtful, insightful, unsettling, trivial, all manner of neural activity runs through the head office. Most, it turns out, not worth the air molecules they ride forth on. Today there's one I'm going to venture, even though I'm not confident it's totally true and if it really matters. More on that later, though. Please excuse any theoretical gaffes and rank errors, they are my own. I'm only telling my story. “There's precious little out there that's NOT up to each of us to figure out for ourselves.” My short answers are Yes and Because Why Not? I've come to the conclusion human experience of this life is founded on stories. All of it, stories. Don't get me wrong, I'm not casting aspersions on the word or concept “stories.” Storytelling is an ancient, ancient human impulse as to who we are and how we do in this life. But for what purposes, stories, really? More than simple entertainment to pass a winter's night? Doubtful, more like a way to make sense of and find comfort in our place on this rock. I think looking at some context is helpful. Yes, I am aware I'm going down the story road here, please forgive me, but language is what I've got to work with. The context I'm evoking is both ancient and modern, although I have to give the nod to the ancients as they got there first without fancy equipment. It has been called by various names over the years, like The Dao, Buddhism's Nothingness, Brahman, and Quantum Field. All evoke a state of primordial undifferentiated all-potential, or at least they do as I understand these things. Seems everyone agrees though, whatever “this” is cannot be named and therefore not really understood. That's our foundation. So, the context is our manifest experience is rooted in occult truly non-perceivable possibility. Anything can happen, even beyond your wildest imagination. That's All. Ok, kinda vast, unwieldy and no real comfort that it's all okay. Let's see if we can organize our thoughts and experiences in a way that meaningfully has power to keep Fear from the door. Presto, stories! But isn't Fear like a virus, searching for sustenance and morphing in response to challenge along the way? Presto, change-o, more stories! And so on. House of cards stories. Time passes, time passes, and we are in the here and now. The fact that all we've really got is the here and now is another conversation; please grant me this exemption for the moment. The past few years here as humans on Gaia are summed up in an image for me. The Grand Staircase of Life that we're all traversing, working our way to a grand entrance somewhere, has suddenly and most unceremoniously flattened out. Risers and treads flattened out into a Grand Slide of Life. And as you know, gravity (and the house) always wins. Whee! We are on the very fast track to Next and we have no idea what that is. Seems precious little in the stories we already know is helpful now in this new game of Chutes and Ladders, long on Chutes these days. Yeah, we are all frantically making it up as we go along. Both the Ancients and Moderns agree, what we consider as reality is but a product of our mind. Not the collective mind, mind you, but our each and every individual perceptive perspective. This is why I say there's precious little that's not up to each of us to figure out. Nota bene, it's so my own nature to leave space for opportunity or alternate possibility which is why I say, “precious little” instead of “absolutely nothing.” Feel free to go there yourself, I doubt you'd be wrong! I do have a request. Make your coming Story the best it can be, true and honest for your self. This way, we all raise the bar because goodness knows, we don't really want it any lower. And be kind to others while you're at it. Thank You One and All
Linda S DavisSometimes I have fun pushing thoughts and words around. Archives