MAGIC IS A-FOOT ![]() But that was my personal atmosphere as I set out to the big (or what passes for big in our world these days) city of Salem MA. About a month precious Steve pointed out an upcoming Tarot Circle that seemed like such a good idea! I'd resumed active engagement with the Tarot recently after a long hiatus and I was ready to sniff around to find out about the local scene. Well, the appointed day finally arrived and didn't you know, there were the voices, singing about the tug of tucking up at home on a raw winter's day. Well, nested home is a great place to return, so I headed off, nevertheless. In moments like this, a friend's words often ring in my memory's ear, “when the door opens, it opens wide.” This day, no exception. Warmly welcomed into a group that turned out to be a supportive, sassy, hilarious, goofy family. There were a dozen of us, mostly newcomers with several of the venue's facilitators and compatriots. Also there was 6-month old Oliviana and Bast. The real Bast, not a companion or working animal named Bast. I ended up sitting in the queen corner, next to Bast. And as it turned out, I was received like a queen. Stunned, me, although I did hear those voices say “like the Queen I am.” They're something, those voices. I think the fairies sent them. Still acclimating to this statement, but really, it's time. ![]() Everyone was invited to enter a question for the cards. Each question was picked randomly and read for all to take turns drawing and reading cards around the circle. Sometimes we went in order and sometimes zigzag was the order! A variety of experiences and facilities with Tarot wove a rich brocade, readings given in truth and heart. Oh yes, magic was there, chiming in a couple times, most notably when an inactive remote speaker suddenly reminded us it was time to charge the battery. Just as we were speaking with one of those high-functioning Wonder Women, such impeccable timing. Synchrony and inter-connections moved former strangers to fast friends. My handwriting evoked someone's dear Aunt Linda who'd previously passed over? Believe it! ![]() Then Magic said to me, hold on, here's something else. A bunch of women who are Maison Vampyre thought I'd be well-matched to another Salem venue as a card reader and they could get that ball a little starting spin. Wait, what? Me? Huh? Wow! In the moment stunned to be named and so ready to jump up to the call. Floating out, a moment with a turmeric latte seemed like a prudent and helpful thing to get me through the airlock down from refined elevation back to everyday things like navigating home. Last time I'd had a turmeric latte was in Bath, England, another place Magic reigns. Okay, driving, okay, making my way back home which also happens to be an enchanted village but never mind. Hitting small town Wenham, my photographer's eye noticed a sublimely delicate and subtle ombre color gradation in what most would call a heavily overcast sky. Just coming into view as well, an Olde New England local church spire, its white played artfully against the sky. I drove, one eye on the road and one on the sky, waiting for the optimal photo perspective to line up. Stopping, getting out on the middle of Rt 1A with less than desirable photo equipment not feasible. Besides, way too many power lines in the view and I'm practicing letting go of the missed shot. Again, cue impeccable timing, a chevron of wild geese crossed in perfect composition, moving from further afield on the left toward nearby on the right. Be still my heart and let the visual endorphins run! I took an iconic message of returning to something from the past as I move into the future. As they say, But Wait, There's More! As the scene passed and my gaze came back down fully to the road, a banner on the front of the church caught my eye. “Be A Blessing.” It was a few miles later I was able to pull over at a favorite field spot to get out and give thanks to the six directions. Then home safely. The living Tarot. That was Saturday afternoon. Then there was Sunday. Mr Magoo (props given for connecting me with Maison Vampyre and our Sunday event) earlier on had a bit of mild gastric disharmony but was harmonious enough to venture out. This time to the wilds of South Hamilton MA to hear original music from local musicians, The Orchestra On the Hill. Don't let local and original mislead you. The concert proved to exceed the best one could imagine. Creativity abounded in a stunning venue, a place for sacred services and appointed as such. The afternoon was well-placed indeed. All senses were served though the concert. And in concert the participants were, with images to see, sounds emanating from a variety of loci throughout the grand room, players changing positions, rarefied harmonics, thoughtful and deft craftsmanship and instruments played solo and in collaboration with innovation. Why not? We do because we can. We do because we think of it. We do because it's what's in our hearts and spirits to express. And clearly, Heart was at the Heart of it all. Heart played like a master. Heart spoke the truth through the composers. Heart had the vision. Heart moved through space. And each Heart embraced all others. This group relies on the kindness of others in order for them to return so much kindness back. Grants, yes, but also donations and volunteers make up the sustenance as performances are offered freely without charge to the audience. A few sponsors offered up gifts for auction during the festivities. At intermission, a spur of the moment peek yielded a sawbuck for me to buy one ticket. Winners were announced just before the second half commenced. I'd selected a bag of goodies from a local gourmet shop we've yet to explore. And when this prize's time came up, no one claimed the number. A second ticket chosen, wait, what? That's me! Won on a chance, isn't that how it goes, just as if by magic. And Sunday's afternoon closed out with another sky event. Heavy overcast had continued from the day before, even with a few snow flurries earlier. Coming out to head home, we could just see sunset as a brilliant orange swath on the western horizon, just beyond the edge of our overcast. Sunset's color-play showed through that strip through the ride home, simply illustrating more apparent magic. Two remarkable days almost eclipsed a remarkable week leading up to them. Suffice to say, a call came, I stepped up and did up. The call eventually expanded and so did my efforts. In particular, I was asked to bring energy work to help a cat in another state. The connection was through the Tong Ren community, a type of energy work that uses the acupuncture system in unique ways. So that's how I structured my efforts, although I believe Tong Ren is primarily used with people. No reason to not use it here, though. My finished product would be a video available to be watched at any time. For a couple days during my research and development stage I started using a distance Reiki and Tong Ren hybrid to help me find the best way to connect with and adapt for a feline temperament. The cat's person reported positive and desirable changes as soon as I started the distance work, confirming my experience. As the days went on, the call to this particular work expanded as I recalled a viewer of one of my previous Tong Ren videos had requested one to address a specific situation. The postings of a friend updating his health journey inspired me to extend another video in contribution for him and his healing effort. And so the almost-forgotten and the un-asked for were gathered up into this work too. Who's to say, but I do believe we all live on a two-way street. As the great Tai Ji concept (Yin Yang) holds me in a sense of security, I believe there is ultimate balance through reciprocation. From this video project I learned and gained a tremendous amount. May my efforts generate at least that much out again. Magic is afoot. All the time, although we can easily miss it. This past week evoked a song from long ago, “God is Alive and Magic is Afoot,” recorded by Buffy Sainte Marie and co-written with Leonard Cohen.
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Linda S DavisSometimes I have fun pushing thoughts and words around. Archives